How do you help someone who is scared?

What do you do to help someone that is scared of something? First of all it’s important to remember that if you or someone you know is scared because you or they think they might be hurt by someone else, you need to tell someone. We care a lot about the safety of all our…

How do I help a non-Christian friend who’s depressed?

I have a non-Christian friend who I think might be depressed. How do I encourage them? You can start the conversation by asking them how they’re doing. If you don’t know for certain that they’re going through something, but you’ve just observed them looking sad, you can ask them, “Hey, I’ve noticed you’ve been down…

How can I tell my mom to stop teaching me like I was 5?

How can I tell my mom to stop teaching me my school as if I was 5? Growing up is a tough thing to do when you often are learning, but your parents or other adults cannot seem to recognize that you are becoming an adult. Sometimes, people don’t recognize that they’re treating their kids…

If I fail my way through school can I still survive?

If I fail my way through school can I still survive? I won’t say that failing your way through school will cause you to have a terrible life. Much of what your life will look like is more dependent on the decisions you make than whether or not you have a high school degree. But,…

Is it wrong to hate your body because God created it?

Is it wrong to hate your body because God created it? What a great question. I think we probably all know the answer to this question, but I don’t know if we all believe it or if the answer makes sense. Yes, it is wrong to hate your body. Why? Because God created it. Or,…

How do you say goodbye to a best friend?

How do you say goodbye to a best friend? Saying goodbye to a friend isn’t easy, especially a best friend. But, if you are able to stay in touch with your friend even though they’ve moved, that is a good idea. If you want them to know how much you care about them, you could give…

How do you remember to pray once every day?

How do you remember to pray once every day?  Prayer is something you can do anywhere you are. I often pray short prayers throughout the day, so even if I don’t sit down to pray for specific things, I’m still praying about things. Remembering to pray is good, but remember that it’s about knowing God,…

How was the Earth repopulated after Cain killed Abel?

How was the Earth repopulated after Cain killed Abel? Did Eve have more kids? The Bible doesn’t specifically say, but it does say this in Genesis 5:1-5: This is the written account of Adam’s family line. When God created mankind, he made them in the likeness of God. He created them male and female and blessed them. And…

Shouldn’t this be called the “Answer Box”?

Why is this called “The Question Box”? Isn’t it TECHNICALLY the answer box…? deep thoughts, deep thoughts.. Actually, there’s a good reason why it’s called the question box and not the answer box. Believe it or not, the goal of the question box isn’t to show how much I know. In fact, many times you…

Cutting myself has become an addiction for me. How do I stop?

Cutting myself has become an addiction for me. How do I stop? If you are struggling with any form of self harm, it can be a difficult addiction to beat. Self-harm is often a way that some of us try to cope with pain or problems. It may be that you’re struggling internally with depression…