What if someone tells you to kill yourself?

What if someone is telling you to kill yourself? What do you do?

This is one of the many forms of bullying we can experience and I want to start by saying  it is very wrong to tell someone this. If you are being told hateful things like this, talking to someone about it is a really good idea. Often people bully each other because they are insecure about themselves or because they want to hurt other people. Click here to read more about why people pick on others.

If you ever get threatened physically, you must talk to a teacher or your parents or one of us. It is never ok to be bullied in anyway and it is not ok for people to tell you to kill yourself.

So, first, tell someone you trust if this is happening to you.

Second, realize that God gave you your life for a reason. It’s a gift and he wants you to use it to share his love and to make the world better, not worse. He doesn’t want you to take your own life because it’s valuable. It’s valuable because He says it is and because He gave it to you and nothing anyone else thinks or says can change that.

There are some answers to questions I gave previously that might help you understand what God thinks of you and might encourage you as you try to overcome this kind of bullying. The posts are on overcoming self-disgust and hating your body.

Ultimately, know that we care a lot about each one of you and even if you didn’t write this question, if you are being bullied at school at all or even at home, or if you’ve struggled with thoughts of suicide, please talk to someone about it. Any of us leaders would be more than happy to talk with you and we promise that we will help you in any ways that we can.

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